The mission of the SMWA is:
Throughout the season, we offer social, spiritual and educational events,
along with service opportunity, to the parishioners of our Parish. Please join us!
Parish-Wide Drive of School Essentials for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission
September 18th 9:00am Mass
Special Blessing for the Women of the Parish followed by breakfast & fellowship
September 22nd
Parish Ministries Fair after each Mass at St. Michael
October 2nd
BINGO NIGHT 7:00 - 9:00PM
October 27th
SMWA to host Coffee after 9:45AM Mass
December 11th
Annual Brunch/Luncheon - 11:30-2:00PM Guinan Hall
February 1st
Pasta Dinner- Guinan Hall
March 5th
Ash Wednesday Soup and Bread Dinner
June 18th - 5:30-7:30PM
Wine Spring Social
SMWA Scholarship Award: SMWA has a proud history of giving Scholarship Awards beginning in 1996 through the present in excess of $400,000 to those students of the Parish who are in need and who have given their time and talent to St. Michael the Archangel Parish. In 2023, SMWA awarded $11,000 in scholarships to six students who are parishioners of St. Michael Parish. Students were in PreK school, elementary school, high school and college.
SMWA Prayer Shawl Ministry: A blessed Prayer Shawl is available to any person experiencing difficulty in their life and may be picked up at the Parish Office
Parish Programs supported by the SMWA:
After Mass Coffees
Parish Picnic
Christmas & Easter Flowers
Pasta Supper
Parish Wine & Cheese
We welcome any woman who would like to become a member of the SMWA. For more information on our association, or to join, please email Co-Presidents Eileen Ceci and Diane Pignataro at: May God keep you in His warm & comforting embrace. Please come back soon! Our page is regularly updated!
October 2024 - Bingo Night
The SMWA sponsored a BINGO NIGHT for all Women & Men of Greenwich Parishes. Father Paul was our caller for a laugh-filled, fun event. Winners selected from a number of surprise gift bags and our 36 guests in attendance enjoyed light snacks and sweets! We would like to thank all that attended BINGO NIGHT and look forward to seeing you at future SMWA Events.
Co-Presidents Eileen Ceci and Diane Pignataro
September 2024 - SMWA Mass and Blessing
The SMWA sponsored a Mass & Blessing for all Women of the Parish. Father Paul called the 20+ Women in attendance to the altar for a blessing. After Mass, a coffee hour & light breakfast was held in Guinan Hall. Friendship & fellowship was enjoyed by everyone!
Parish Wine & Cheese 2024
Christmas Brunch 2023
The 2024 SMWA Annual December Luncheon
was held on
Wednesday, December 11th
in Guinan Hall. A lovely time was had by all with a Christmas carol sing along, friendship, fellowship & fun!! Please enjoy our pics from that day!
2024-2025 Board of Directors:
Executive Board Members:
Eileen Hawthorn Ceci– Co-President
Diane Pignataro – Co-President
Roni Schmitz – President Emeritus
Roberta Warburton - Secretary
Carol Sabia – Treasurer
Board Members
Dorothy Riera
Micaela McCann
Marigle Barragan
Anne Marie Hynes
Mary Rolla
Dawn Imbrogno
Joanne Cavaliere
News - St. Michael Women's Association is making sandwiches for the New Covenant Center in Stamford. They hope to make it a monthly event. If you are interested in participating, please contact Marigle Barragan at
August 2024 - Back to School Supply Collection
The St Michael’s Women’s Association concluded their school supply drive for the benefit the people served by the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. This is only a sample of what we collected! Thank you to all who made the drive so successful by contributing via the Amazon Wish List and the collection box at the church. All families were very appreciative!
News - October 2023
St. Michael Women’s Association (SMWA) and Faith In Action Together (FIAT) conducted a drive for backpacks, rain ponchos, warm socks, and snacks for the benefit of the homeless served by the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.
Click here to read about our great success!
For more information or to learn how to get involved:
We welcome woman who would like to become a member of the SMWA. For information about our events or to inquire about getting involved,
and to join our membership list, please email
Eileen Ceci and Diane Pignataro at:
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
469 North Street Greenwich, CT 06830
Parish Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm