Confirmation Prep - Levels 1 & 2

Confirmation Preparation Process

Confirmation preparation is a 1-year process of developing a deeper understanding of the faith before receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.

Our students in the Confirmation process (level 1& 2) will complete the “Chosen” program modules by watching a short DVD, and allowing time for group discussion about prayer, scripture, and how they can put their faith into action. We encourage parents to talk with their students at home using the conversation starters sent out prior to each session. This gives parents the opportunity to know more about the module shown and what the group discussion will be allowing for open communication at home.

Sessions will be held twice a month at 10:45 AM following the 9:45 AM family Mass and before the 12:00 PM Mass. Students and parents are asked to attend Mass together before or after the lesson.  To help keep sessions running smoothly, it is imperative that children arrive on time.
This is an exciting program developed by some of the top youth ministers and leaders in the country and has had great success. The following guidelines are to support you, the parents, as primary witnesses of the faith. 



  • Regular attendance at Sunday Mass
  • Regular attendance during the Confirmation process (no more than 3 excused absences and an email or phone call to the office explaining any absence)
  • Completion of the saint sticker book.
  • Research and completion of the saint report.
  • Completion of 20 hours of community service and write up about the experience. (service must always be for NO compensation and should include service to the parish)
  • Conversation with a priest.

Completion of the sponsor certificate with a write up explaining why the sponsor has been chosen (following the guidelines for choosing a sponsor)

All information needed for Confirmation can be downloaded by clicking the links to the right, or by contacting the Faith Formation office at 203.869-5421, ext. 4.


Loren Procaccini
Director of Faith Formation, Youth and Family Ministry

203.869-5421 Ext 4.

For more information, please email the Faith Formation Office here.  


Confirmation Level 1Lesson Dates

Confirmation Level 2 Lesson Dates

Witness Talks & Dates for Parents and Students

Saint Report

Why I Chose My Sponsor

New! Sponsor Certificate (updated 7/10/24)

Adoration Visits

Putting Our Faith into Action


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