40 Days for Life
For the past several years Christians throughout the Greater Bridgeport area have participated in the national 40 Days for Life during the Lenten Season.
Parishioners are encouraged to dedicate 40 days of peaceful prayer, fasting and alms giving for the intention of ending abortion in our country. Prayer cards are located in the vestibule of the church. In addition to the 40 days of prayer, fasting and acts of charity a Prayer Vigil will be held outside of the Summit Women's Center in Bridgeport. Please consider volunteering to pray at the abortion site and spread the word to others about this important life-saving effort.
To get more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact: Michael Ambrosino at 203-629-1897 or brooklynoil@yahoo.com.
All are welcome!
All I Ask
I do not ask to be conceived and born
into a rich family
Only into a loving one.
I’d rather be poor and loved
than rich and lonely.
I do not ask to be born into a mansion.
All I ask is to be born into a home.
I fear that you may invite me to your table
which although well laden with food
may lack the things that make life beautiful;
love, goodness, laughter, sharing.
The only poverty I fear is the poverty of people.
I don’t want to be conceived because some contraceptive failed,
or as a result of some drunken embrace.
Yet Heaven preserve me from being a completely planned baby.
Let there be some bit of mystery, of wonder, of surprise at my coming.
I do not ask to be born perfect.
All I ask is to be accepted for what I am when I arrive.
Then if it should happen that I arrive handicapped
my spirit will blossom in the rich soil of your love.
But if I should arrive whole and you should reject me
I will grow up crippled in spirit.
I long to be conceived and born into a peaceful home.
If you, my future parents, know how to live in peace
then your peace will shelter me from the storms of the world
and its hatred and violence will do me no harm.
I fear that you may invite me to the banquet of life
only to discover that the hosts do not talk to each other.
Do not, I beg you, conceive me
if after a few months you confide me to white coated murderers
who’ll terminate my existence even before I see the light of day.
All I would ever know of the world
would be the inside of a trash can and an incinerator.
I want to be welcomed on my arrival.
I want to be a source of joy to you my parents.
I don’t want to be looked on as an intruder,
making one of both of you an outcast in your community.
If you ask me to put all my desires into one word
it would be the word: Wanted.
I want to be wanted.
Published by Family Life Centre, Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock, County Mayo, Ireland
March 2020 - St. Michael's Parish Raises Funds For Project Beloved Healthcare Center For Women
CT March for Life - March 23, 2022
To sign up got to: Connecticut March for Life Rally - Bus to Connecticut State Capitol in Hartford, CT $30 Round Trip
March 2020 - St. Michael the Archangel Church in Greenwich is shining a light on lives lost through abortion with a tea light candle fundraiser to benefit Project Beloved, a new healthcare center in Stamford.
Fr. Richard Murphy was inspired to ask the faithful to pray with the votive candles, each labeled with the name of a child, lost to abortion. The names of these babies were given by pro-life people across America in honor of 2,411 fetal remains recently found at an Indiana abortion doctor’s home.
Parishioners we’re able to take as many candles as they wanted to pray for their souls. They were also asked to make a donation to Project Beloved in Stamford. The parish raised $3,000 in support of the Project. Project Beloved brings awareness to the need to respect life from the moment of conception… and helps support healthcare for women in crisis. Read the full article here.
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
469 North Street Greenwich, CT 06830
Parish Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm