Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

An Invitation to Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her….

What is Spiritual Direction and How May it deepen your relationship with God?

Spiritual direction is a time set aside with another to explore the presence of God and the workings of grace in our everyday life, particularly in the moments when nothing seems to have happened.

  • We may have a longing for something more in life – but are not sure what this means or how to satisfy that desire; at times we may be faced with making important decisions and are unsure about how to discern our choices; we may experience a transition – at work, in relationships or in suffering a loss and are thrown off our spiritual track; there may be times when our prayer life feels “stuck” or seems to run dry and we don’t know what to do. These are but a few examples of when spiritual direction may be helpful.

  • God is always inviting us into relationship with Him… often we just don’t recognize the invitation. Spiritual direction gives you the opportunity to share and explore your spiritual experiences in an accepting, non-judgmental atmosphere. It may be an experience in your life in which you feel God’s presence or an experience in your life in which you are searching for God’s presence.


  • As you become more aware of your feelings, needs and desires and you are able to communicate this to God, you will find that your relationship with God moves to a deeper level. This happens over a period of time and is the work of the Holy Spirit. By engaging authentically in spiritual direction, you can experience greater interior freedom and a deeper relationship with God, self and others.

Who is Spiritual Direction for?

Spiritual direction for anyone seeking to discover and experience more fully who they are in relation to their Creator and to oneself and others.

What can I expect from Spiritual Direction?

  • Someone there to help you discover the ‘Life in your life’
  • Someone who will listen attentively and reflect back the presence of God you are experiencing and still discovering
  • No agenda or judgment
  • Confidentiality
  • Encouragement and hope
  • Someone to help you notice the Spirit’s grace, wisdom and love pouring from within you
  • Freedom to discover the deepest desire of your heart and freedom from all that distracts from that desire
  • Support in developing meaningful connections
  • Building a foundation of inner peace through difficult times by noticing God’s action in your life

Is Spiritual Direction Therapy?

  • It is different from therapy that which helps you work on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that impact your life and relationships. Yet there is an overlap.
  • Spiritual directors focus on what is holy and meaningful in your life and on your sacred experiences and desires which do impact your life and relationships.
  • Spiritual direction is not giving advice or pastoral counseling. For this, it is recommended you consider someone trained in pastoral counseling or therapy. YOU decide what you want to share and how much, as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Anything discussed is completely confidential.

What does a Spiritual Director do?

One who accompanies you to support and aid, you in:

  • Noticing the sacred in your life
  • Growing in the love of God, to experience that grace
  • Learning various forms of contemplative prayer**
  • Discovering the reality of God’s presence and activity in your prayer and life
  • Enhancing your level of trust in your interior experiences
  • Deciding your responses to the movements* of God in your life

The director is a companion on the journey. It is the Holy Spirit who is the real Spiritual Director. Spiritual direction involves “holy listening.” The director encourages you to share your experience and feelings as, together, you contemplate the ways God is present in your life.

Spiritual Directors serving St. Michael’s are formed in the Ignatian Spirituality, have been trained within a Jesuit University program, and are members of the college of directors at the Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Fairfield University.

Spiritual Directors are making themselves available to those people who may be interested in engaging in the process of spiritual direction.

Spiritual Directors have been in spiritual direction themselves for many years and also work with a trained supervisor. Directors abide by the ethical guidelines for spiritual directors promulgated by the professional or ministry organizations they are members of.

What is Ignatian Spirituality?

Ignatian Spirituality centers on the belief that God can be found in all things. St. Ignatius emphasized the importance of one’s personal experience as the vehicle to form a closer relationship with God. Ignatian Spirituality focuses upon a growing awareness of one’s affect (feelings and emotions), imagination, and intellect (knowledge and reason). Insights about how God is present in one’s experience emerge through a process of intentional attention, contemplation, and discernment.

**Prayer Methods

Conversation with God

Meditation with scripture 

Contemplation with scripture

Silent prayer

The Examen Prayer: Reflecting upon our day with God

How to Listen to God 



To receive spiritual direction is to recognize that God does not solve our problems, we are moved closer to the mystery of our existence where all questions cease.” Henri Nouwen

Spiritual Direction Room

Practical Notes

  • You meet with your Spiritual Director once a month for 50-60 minutes. 
  • Schedule your direction session directly with your Spiritual Director.
  • Currently, there is NO fee for Spiritual Direction at St. Michael.

Contact Spiritual Directors

Karen Shields Wright




Sue Stone



The Exam Prayer

Click Here to Download

Fall in Love Prayer

Click Here to Download

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