Copy of (FIAT) before April 2024

The two steeples represent St Michael and St. Timothy.   The line underneath is a symbol of unity, as one parish, one body, serving others with love through our community service.

Click here for the Event Calendar!


In Latin, this word means “let it be done.” Mary's fiat was an immediate acceptance of and consent to God's will for her life: “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38). Her yes was total and complete; she held nothing back from God. She set the example for all of us, teaching us how we should respond to God’s call in our lives.

Give your yes to God and see what He can do with it!


Mary’s fiat changed the world. Together, let’s help to make a change in our community.


Faith in Action

Faith is often thought of as a thing we have -a belief in something or someone. But in the Scriptures, faith is a firm confidence that results in action. Examples of this include Noah preparing the ark, Abraham setting out without knowing where he was going, and Sarah, in her advanced age, confidently anticipating the son God promised. 

Believers are called to trust in God’s promises and to ACT accordingly, not sit passively waiting. The Lord will accomplish amazing things through your lives when you believe in Him and act in obedience. Like a muscle, faith grows when put into action.

Faith In Action Comes Alive - “Faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead”. (James 2:17)

Having faith is not enough. We are called to put into action our Christian believes. Faith is the ability to believe, but that ability must be used and acted upon for faith to come alive. Believing is the ‘action’ side of faith, as shown to us by the friends of the paralyzed man (Luke 5:24), by the roman official who traveled to Jesus to ask him to heal his son (John 4:50), by the woman who touched Jesus’s cloak to be healed (Luke 8:48), and by the lepers who asked Jesus to have pity on them (Luke 17:14). Action unlocks the power hidden in faith.

“Christ has no body now but yours.

No hands, no feet on earth but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world.

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.

Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

St. Therese of Avila

Together with Christ as the Head, and we as His Hands and Feet, are One Body.


All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need. (Acts 2:44-45)


In contrast to what our individualistic culture tells us, we as God’s people are responsible for each other. Again and again, the Bible emphasizes the body of believers and our shared -though sometimes messy- life in community. We all crave connection. When we come together, we stir and encourage one another to have a heart that sees the needs of others, not just a mind that understands.

What does it look like to have “all things in common” in a culture that rewards self-sufficiency and praises dissension and contention? This verse reminds us that God’s people are meant to share all of life. What will your FIAT be?

Next Opportunities on the Calendar


Calling for volunteers to help in the Parish Picnic on October 1st

SignUp                    Flyer


Collaborate in Coat Drive. SMWA. Mary Rolla


Collaborate in Turkey Drive. Paul Huston


Collaborate in Advent by Candlelight Giving Tree  Flyer Updated

All Year

Pray the rosary in Don Bosco Soup Kitchen 1st Monday of each month and May 24th, (day of  Mary, Help of Christians)  Sign up.

All Year

Deliver Don Bosco food to the elderly and people in need. Last Wednesday of the month. More info.

All Year

Making sandwiches for New Covenant Center SMWA. Marigle Barragan. More info.

More to Come...

We plan to put a group together to go to New Covenant Center (NCC) to cook and serve once a month. If you are interested, please fill out this form.


Are there outreach programs you know of and would like to be involved in?  Please send an email to Maria Morales

Thank you For Your FIAT!

FIAT Caring for Babies Together with Malta House. July 15th- August 13th.

Through FIAT, our Parish collected over 2,500 diapers, thousands of wipes, and $4,500 in cash for Malta House. Thank you for your generosity! See more pictures here!

FIAT Building Together with Habitat for Humanity. June 17th.

Through FIAT, our Parish collected $875 for building materials. Thank you for your generosity!

See more pictures here!

Watch a short video here!

Donations for Turkey’s Earthquake Victims April 23rd

Susana Correa, one of our parishioners, collected $1,881, to help relocate two families, living in the tents to apartments, after being left homeless after the devastating earthquake. See more pictures here. Read her experience delivering the funds here.

Food Drive in benefit of Don Bosco. March 23rd

We collected 2 vans full of food. Thank you for your generosity and for your help organizing the donations. See more pictures here!

Watch a short video here!

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