Confirmation Preparation is a 2-year process of developing a deeper understanding of the faith before completing “immediate preparation” for receiving the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 8th grade.
Our level 7 & 8 students will work through the “Chosen” program, watching a short DVD and allowing time for group discussion about how we put our faith into action.
Before each lesson, you will be sent an email telling you a little about what your child will be learning at that lesson. This will give you an overview of the “Chosen” program as well as the opportunity to ask your child questions. We encourage parents to speak with their students using the conversation starters in the email. These discussions are encouraged at home so you will know more about what they are learning and have engaging and meaningful conversations about our faith.
To keep the class time running smoothly, it is imperative that children arrive on time and bring their books to every lesson. This is an exciting program developed by some of the top youth ministers and leaders in the country and has had great success!
The following guidelines are to support you, the parents, as primary witnesses of the faith.
All information needed for Confirmation can be downloaded by clicking the links to the right, or contact the Faith Formation Office at 203 869-5421.
Loren Procaccini
Director of Youth and Family Ministry
For more information, please email the Faith Formation Office here.
7th & 8th Level Confirmation Requirements and Timeline (rev 08/01/23)
Confirmation Lesson Dates 2023-24
(updated 3/4/24)
Sponsor Certificate
(updated 3/3/24)
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
469 North Street Greenwich, CT 06830
Parish Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm